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I’ve really been enjoying having my kids do all the blog work this week. And, due to our commitment to improving the human gene pool, I still have two more victims writers to tap!

Today’s reblog is from daughter Amanda Taub. She’s a New York attorney and teacher with a passion for human rights. For example, at the moment she is spending her ‘vacation’ as an observer at the Rios Montt/Rodriguez Sanchez genocide trial in Guatemala.

Amanda and fellow attorney, Kate Cronin-Furman, blog at Wronging Rights, which takes an often-humorous look at  serious human rights questions. Here is one of her blogs that I (and 553 other commenters) thought was brilliant. But I’m just the mom — you should take a look for yourself.

What If We Responded to Sexual Assault by Limiting Men’s Freedom Like We Limit Women’s?

Calls for Men to Be Blindfolded in Public
In response to claims that men are unable to restrain themselves from committing rape if they see women in skimpy clothing, members of law enforcement agencies around the country have called for men to blindfold themselves when they are in places where they might encounter a female wearing a tank top or a short skirt.

“For years, we have been told that men don’t understand how to respond to the sight of a woman wearing, say, gym clothes – that as far as they are concerned, if they can see the outline of her body, then that’s an invitation to sex that they are simply unable to refuse,” said one police chief. “If that’s true, then we have no choice. We want women to be safe, and there is apparently no way for some men to reasonably restrain their own behavior once they catch a glimpse of cleavage, so all men will have to cover their eyes while working out, going to bars or clubs, or relaxing at the beach.” read more here…images


And if you haven’t had a chance to look at my first two slave bloggers volunteers, please  see daughter Melinda’s post: My Mom Was a Comedy Writer, and son Nathan’s To the conservative christian movement: This is why the bible doesn’t mention evolution.

Come back tomorrow for a big news reveal. (BIG!)