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Yesterday, I promised a big reveal. Here we go. [Warning: this post contains screaming. Lots.]

For the final installment in my blogging holiday week, I’m calling on my daughter Hannah. My youngest — one moment she’s holding my heart in a tiny, perfect baby fist and about a heartbeat later she’s telling me, “I’m going to be the one who picks out your nursing home. I’m just saying…”

Somewhere in between, we wrote a book. We spent her last year of high school talking about the setting, characters, life, death, plot, and why we couldn’t come up with a big-enough, bad-enough wolf. Then she went off to college and I started writing. A year later, and with truckloads of comments and suggestions from editor extraordinaire Mary Rosenblum of the New Writers Interface, we had a manuscript.

Okay — here is the big announcement I promised.


Wait… Maybe you didn’t get that part.


Null City by Barbara and Hannah Taub, will be released by Taliesin Publishing this summer.

NULL CITY: Superpowers suck. If you just want to live a normal life, Null City is only a Metro ride away. After one day there, imps become baristas, and hellhounds become poodles. Demons settle down, become parents, join the PTA, and worry about their taxes. 
When forces try to destroy Null City in order to capture the the angelic relic powering the City and its Metro,  Gaby, a (technically) dead accountant teams up with Leila, the teenage daughter of the Prince of Hell, to protect the City. It just would have been nice if someone told them the Angels were all on the other side. Or that the only one who can help is Gaby’s ex — the angel she killed.

30ab6794232b449288fd09898eb17514If you want to get updates about the release date and how you can all order MANY copies, all you have to do is click the “follow” button in the sidebar. But right now there is some serious partying to be done.

Hannah — thanks for a great Mother’s Day present. And to everyone out there who’s had, been, or loved a mom — HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

cropped-null-city-metro-station-resized-for-blog.jpgPS: Did I mention the part about how we SOLD OUR BOOK? Just ask me!