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Some people are used to winning awards. (Michael Phelps every time he gets wet. Anything with Lord of the Rings – Return of the King on it. Jackie Dullea from my high school who was class president, head cheerleader, prom queen, and I think, assistant to God.) And then there’s me. Until the Liebster award a few months ago, I don’t think I’d won anything in my life. So it’s completely incredible and amazing and just a heck of a lot of fun that my fellow bloggers have given me even more awards.

And the best part? I finally get to make that acceptance speech I’ve been thinking about all these years while I was not making the winning basket, winning an olympic medal, becoming president, or getting crowned Miss Universe.

My Acceptance Speech: 

First of all, I’d like to thank Jackie Dullea and, of course, Tina Fey for not writing humor blogs. I thank my parents, who (despite their attempts to hide it from my nine siblings) always liked me best. Obviously, I need to thank the man who has always been there for me, tirelessly devoting himself to making sure I face the world at my best – Antonio, who does my hair. Now comes the part of the speech where I grab my audience by their balls heartstrings and tug as I drop my voice tenderly to thank my four children, who taught me how to say NO and I mean you; don’t make me come back there because you’ll be sorry, and … where was I? Oh, yeah – you rock, kids. [waits through the clapping and cheers, modestly wiping away a tear] So I’ll just (virtually) lift this award above my head in a fist pump to acknowledge all the readers who made this the 27th happiest day of my life. (I would have moved it higher in the rankings, but let’s face it: I am still overweight, uncrowned, and just not that into world peace.)

I'm so proud to dedicate my life to blogging. And whirled peas.

I’m so proud to dedicate my life to blogging. And whirled peas.

Of course, each of these awards comes with rules, and even better, the chance to pass them along to other fabulous bloggers. There is simply no way I could choose between the amazing commentors who have visited this blog (not to mention I’m getting really old so I can’t remember things that happened earlier), so I’ll pass on the awards to those who’ve recently stopped by.
best-moment-award2222I. The first award is from one of the most all-round entertaining bloggers I know. Georgia, who creates poetry, commentary, fiction, photography, and my favorite – haiku – at Bastetandsekhmet.wordpress.com, has presented the Best Moment Award. I’m forwarding that to the following incredible bloggers.

The rules are:

  1. Winners re-post this completely, with their acceptance speech. That could be written down or video recorded.
  2. Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include a NEW list of people, blogs worthy of the award, and winners. Notify them the great news.
  3. What makes a good acceptance speech?
    1. Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way.
    2. Humour. Keep us entertained and smiling.
    3. Inspiration. Make your story touch our lives.
    4. Get an idea from the great acceptance speech, compiled in MomentMatters.com/speech
    5. Display the award’s badge on your blog/website, downloadable in MomentMatters.com/Award


II. The Versatile Blogger Award is from Amara at http://deprifun.wordpress.com/ who, I’m not kidding, makes depression a humor topic. I’ll pass the Versatile-blogger-award to:

The Rules and  Requirements for The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Add The Versatile Blogger award photo on a blog post
  2. Thank the person (or mythical being) who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post
  3. Share seven things about yourself.
  4. Pass the award along to 15 favourite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.


III. Annesquared.wordpress.com folds shameless punning, catholic school background, and public health awareness into her INTJ/ INTP framework. (Admit it – you remember your Myers-Briggs personality type). She has gifted me with the Shine-On-Award, which I in turn present to these bloggers:

Here are the rules:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.  
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.  
  3. State seven things about yourself. 

NOTE: okay, here are my seven things:

1. My family has a genetic defect which compels us to accidentally memorize recipes that involve chocolate chips.

2. As head of Human Resources, I’ve had to lay myself off. More than once. (Unfortunately, I never got to control the number of zeros on my severance check…)

4. My younger sister is the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, which means either that she is a witch, or that she will never have to pay for her own beer in Ireland.

5. After four kids, I will still be able to recite Good Night Moon on my deathbed.

6. I don’t like vacations where you have to put on shoes to get to the bathroom.

7. I used to say if you get the chance to try something you’ve always wanted to do and you don’t do it, it will be the sign that you’re getting old. That explains a lot of things in my past like skydiving and early encounters with law enforcement. What I now realize is that getting old beats the hell out of the alternative.


IV. And then there is the WordPress Family Award, from Elizabeth Yalian at His Eye Is On This Sparrow, where she blogs about being the Meanest Mom Ever. (I thought I had that one nailed.) I’d like to present the WordPress Family Award to these bloggers:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 10 others who have positively impacted your WordPress experience.
  4. Don’t forget to let your WordPress family members know of your nomination.
  5. Please pick 10 people that have accepted you as a friend, and spread the love!