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Two of my all-time favorite bloggers, Don of Don of All Trades and Jennifer Schario Hicks of Real Life Parenting, are part of the Finish the Sentence Friday challenge. This week it is to finish the sentence, “If I could go back in time…

If I could go back in time, I’d do the two things I never did when I was in college—Florida on Spring Break, and an honest-to-confetti New Year’s Eve party.

10_512671In the good old days BC (Before Children), “spring break” conjured visions of the three S’s—south, sun, and sex. Students across America said, “Let’s go down to Florida for a tan, memory blackouts, and out-of-state arrest records.” But I never went because I suffer from a medical problem involving a gag-reflex at the thought of trying on a bikini.

Nice auld lang syne, Barb!

Nice auld lang syne, Barb!

I did come close to the New Year’s Eve party when a friend of my sister invited me to a Major Social Event—balloons, live big band, valet parking—at the family’s Lake Michigan shorefront estate on Chicago’s north side. By promising to care for his geriatric cats when he went on Spring Break, I managed to get the one other person on the planet who didn’t have a New Year’s Eve date to agree to come with me.

I never saw the party, but I did spend the next few days with the cats while my date went in for an emergency broken-jawectomy after slipping on the ice as we walked up to the front door of the party. My mother said that I at least owed him marriage after that, but I felt the cats were payment enough. Besides, I think a true gentleman would have refused to get into that ambulance until we’d counted down to midnight and had some champagne.

Sally got champagne, confetti, and a kiss at midnight. And she never had to take care of Harry’s cats…

Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic


Calling all writers and readers. I feature new books and reviews on Thursdays. Each post will include a contest where you power up your lie-dar to separate fact from fiction and win fabulous prizes! (Well, prizes anyway…) To reserve a date, send email to barbtaub (at) gmail (dot) com.