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All reviews are wonderful, but when they come from one of my favorite writers, they are a special kind of magic. I’m walking around with a huge grin today thanks to this review from the fabulous Georgia Rose!

She writes:

Please Don’t Ask for Extra Glasses is the second book in a series and I reviewed the first book, Do Not Wash Hands in PlatesHERE. Following on from book 1 our three intrepid travellers have once more convened in India to spend a few weeks exploring (covering over 1500 miles) and consequently this book contains even more elephants, parathas, temples, palaces, camels and the kindness of Indian strangers.

Please Don’t Ask for Extra Glasses is the perfect book for an armchair traveller, like me, who will never go to India. Well, I might, if I had a Jaya to travel with but otherwise, no. The chaos ensues for this trio with the Pre-Trip Planning chapter, or, How Not to Get a Visa, and I absolutely loved the list of what to pack for the trip. Then there is the flight, and the meal choices, and the general travel disruption and, of course, crashing a wedding on the first night and I knew we were off on one hell of a ride. [click here for more!]