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Who, ME?

I was running late to pick up friends from the airport, but decided to make a quick stop at the supermarket. As I loaded groceries into my car, I saw a moving vehicle hit an empty parked car and then keep going. In a completely rare and unusually successful move, I took a photo of the fleeing vehicle. When the owner of the damaged car came out, I saw she was an older lady who was understandably upset. I showed her my photo of the hit and run driver, and she shakily asked me to stay until the police arrived.

I didn’t want to leave the elderly lady, so I sent an email to my friends that I would be a bit late, and we waited for the police. When they arrived, I told my story and then the police collected details from both of us. And that’s when it happened.

The poor old lady I’d been so worried about gave her birthdate, and I realized she was a year younger than I was.

I’m officially a poor old dear.

[image generated by Canva AI]

Why am I telling you this?

Apparently, I’m old. It’s actually incredibly freeing. I just realized that all the book reviews I owe, the posts I really thought I should be writing, and the very important tasks I have waiting DON’T MATTER.

So if you’re waiting for a review or post  or a book I promised, I apologize. From here on, I’m only writing what and when I feel like it. I’m officially and finally retired.

I won’t disappear, and probably couldn’t stop writing even if I wanted to. But let me apologize in advance if I do a blog with gaps, misses, or downright peculiar posts.

Because I’m officially old.

So I officially can.

When did you know you were old?