Medical Tourism Series (1-7)

How I Became a Medical Tourist

I’ve always loved to travel. As a child, it was pretty much the only time we got to eat fast food, so I associated french fries with adventure. As I grew older, it was a sign of my adult status that I could choose to go someplace new just because I wanted to, and nobody could tell my mother what I did there (even if what I mostly did was eat fast food). Still later we claimed we were exposing our children to art and nature, but somehow these trips involved a lot of McDonalds fries. Yes, you CAN get them at Versailles. Don’t judge us.)

But I can honestly say that traveling for medical treatment is a new development for me. I think it started with our last India trip before the pandemic, in January 2020.

Trigger Warning #1: if you have a Y-chromosome/a weak stomach/ teeth, you may find this series disturbing.
Trigger Warning #2: if you’re a travel writer hoping to finish up a project, you may find these blog posts disturbing. Or you’ll think about using it in your next book… 

Please see this entire series for tales of how medicine and travel intersected for me. 

For more of our India adventures, please check out our India series on Amazon here: